Waupaca S’more Fun Campground has all the comforts and conveniences that make the good times even better. Conveniences that are offered include a food store, ice, firewood, laundry, Wi-Fi, propane, full hook-ups and dump stations. The comforts include free hot showers, gameroom, playground and solar heated swimming pool. The store has recently been renovated. Feel free to stop by and check out our fully stocked store that has all your camping necessities and a few fun surprises.
Local activities and events include swimming at South Park Beach, mini golf, canoeing on the Crystal River, tubing on the Wolf River, sternwheeler cruise on the Chain O’ Lakes, fishing in the clear waters of the Waupaca area lakes and streams, boat and pontoon rentals, several ski shows, horseback riding and five golf courses to name a few.
Waupaca S’more Fun Campground
E2411 Holmes Rd
Waupaca, Wisconsin 54981
(715) 258-8010